Top 5 Colour Picker Chrome Extensions in 2024

Do you work with a lot of colours on your projects? Then, here's a tool for you to consider for your next project! A colour picker extension for Chrome is a browser plugin that lets you pick colours from any webpage element. This tool is perfect for all individuals who wish to find out the interesting colours used on a webpage. The best part is that you can figure out the colour of any element used on a webpage, such as text, images, objects and even links. If you are curious to learn more about the colour picker Chrome extension, then check out the article below. We have curated a list of the top 5 colour picker tools that you can use in 2024!

Check out:  Top 5 Color pickers for Windows

Top 5 Colour Picker Chrome Extensions in 2024

If you have your work cut out for you, then no worries! A colour picker extension will not only get you the colour codes but also let you use them in your upcoming projects! How cool is that? And the best part? The results are much more accurate, and it only takes you a couple of seconds! Check out some of our top picks in the table below!

Sno.Top 5 colour Picker Extension for Chrome
2Colour Picker tool- Gecko
3Colourpick Eyedropper
5Smart colour Picker

1. ColorZilla

ColorZilla is a colour picker extension for Chrome that'll help you cook up the perfect art with the right dash of colours. In fact, it is one of the most used colour picker extensions for Windows due to its exciting range of features. It has an advanced dropper that'll get you the colour code of any element. You can also change the colour of different website elements, such as the text, link, and the background. It has a built-in contrast checker that tests the contrast ratio between the background and your text. After all, you want your readers to be able to read the content while appreciating your quirky choice of colours.


  • Represents colour in HEX, RGBA, HSVA, and HSLA formats
  • Comes with a colour palette viewer
  • Picks colours on any zoom level
  • One-click to start colour-picking

2. Colour Picker tool- Geco

Here is an interesting tool that will help you perfectly express your colourful ideas! Geco- a colour picker for Windows lets you create an amazing blend of colours! It lets you grab colours from different websites and also obtain the colour codes. It supports three colour formats: HEX, RGB, and HSV, and it is a great tool for beginners. With this tool, you can copy the code for any colour and paste it into other platforms, such as Photoshop, making it ideal for developers, graphic designers, and UI/UX designers. Overall, it is a reliable and efficient tool for users and would make a great asset for any project that requires a splash of colour.


  • Can extract colour palettes from web pages
  • Show colour history of recently used colour
  • Export palette in the form of CSS and SVG format
  • Can create palette combinations

3. Colorpick Eyedropper

ColorPick Eyedropper makes it easy to grab colours from the webpage element. The Zoom technology allows you to zoom into pixels and determine the colour of the pixels. The quick and easy-to-use eyedropper allows you to pick colours from images and use them elsewhere. Colourpick Eyedropper can also easily identify the HEX colour code of any element. The HEX code refers to a very specific colour that is used by designers to avoid any confusion related to the shade of a colour. This extension has over 2 million downloads and continues to be one of the top choices for developers and designers.


  • Find colour value from anywhere on the screen
  • Support HEX and RGB format
  • Identifies HEX code for webpage elements
  • Fine-tune the identified colours

4. EyeDroppper

Get your desired colours and hues within a matter of seconds. In simple words, Eyedropper is a copy-paste extension for colours. This free and open-source extension is trusted by several users and lets you work with the latest colour palettes. With the help of EyeDropper, you can pick the colour from any webpage that you are using. You can save that colour to the clipboard and add it to your history. This allows you to easily access all your favourites at a later date. Test out your creativity with the colour mixing feature and create your own palette of signature colours. Download this extension to enjoy full benefits!


  • Colour picker and eyedropper integration
  • Copies the selected colour to the clipboard
  • History of recently picked colours available
  • Free and open-source extension

5. Smart Color Picker

Here is an extension that you will love to have on your browsers! It detects the colour pixel on a page and returns the results in RGB and HEX format. The extension also supports HSL and X11 colour formats if you want to use them for your projects. Moreover, you can also enjoy other features, such as the palette extractor that works for most websites. The only drawback of this tool is that sometimes, it may not be as accurate. The customisation option with this tool is also limited. With over 100k downloads, this colour picker Chrome extension has certainly won over many designers.


  • Has an eyedropper tool
  • Shows the latest colours used
  • Supports multiple colour formats
  • Picks colour from a single pixel

Features to look out for in a colour picker for Windows

For all the editors and designers, here's your chance to work smart and not hard. Incorporate a colour picker Chrome extension into your browser to minimise the tedious work. When choosing a colour picker, here are a few features that are a must-have!

  • Support different formats-  A colour picker for Windows should support various colour formats such as RGB, HEX, HSL and CSS.
  • Colour adjustment- Users should be allowed to change the colour settings such as hue, saturation and lightness.
  • Colour contrast- A colour picker extension should show the colour contrast between the background and the text.
  • Colour history- The colour picker extension should allow users to access the history of the previous colours they have worked with.
  • Eyedropper tool- An eyedropper tool allows you to pick colour from any text or image from the current web page you are using.


You no longer have to manually search for colours, colour codes or even their names. Just download a Color Picker extension for Chrome and let the extension work for you. There are several tools that can help you out with this. Most of them are open-source and free to download and use. They come with multiple functionalities, each providing some unique features to the user. So, if you are a designer, developer or editor, a colour picker extension is a must-have for your windows. It'll not only make your job easier but also give more accurate and efficient results when it comes to picking a colour.


Q1. what are some of the best colour picker extensions from Chrome in 2024?

Ans. Some of the top color picker extension in 2024 include ColourZilla, Eyedropper, Colourpick Eyedropper, Smart Colourpicker and Colourpicker tool- Geco.

Q2. Which colour picker for Chrome supports multiple colour formats?

Ans. ColourZilla is a colour picker for Chrome that supports multiple colour formats such as HSV, RGB, HSL and HEX.

Q3. What is a colour picker Chrome extension?

Ans. A colour picker Chrome extension is a tool that allows users to figure out a colour used on any webpage. It also allows users to change and adjust the colour values.

Q4. Who can use a colour picker extension for Chrome?

Ans. Any individual who loves to draw or create illustrations can use a colour picker. Graphic designers, web developers and UI/UX designers mostly find this extension helpful.

Q5. Is a Colour picker for Windows free to use?

Ans. Yes, a colour picker extension is free to download and use.

Q6. Where can I download a Colour pIcker extension?

Ans. You can download a colour picker extension from the Chrome web store.